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Restoration of Dynamic Stream Systems and Assessing Ecological Uplift

Samuel Leberg
ORISE Fellow
US EPA, Freshwater & Marine Regulatory Branch
Washington, DC

Historically, compensatory stream mitigation has discouraged restoration of dynamic stream systems (i.e. streams that are likely to change in the number and width of channels between monitoring periods) because the majority of performance standards and monitoring requirements were designed with relatively static, single-thread channels in mind. However, the restoration of dynamic systems (including Stage 0, beaver-related, and valley restorations) have grown in frequency and can achieve high ecological lift depending on the region or project. Accommodating these restoration methods in compensatory mitigation projects will require new regulatory tools including the rework of performance standards and monitoring requirements. In conjunction with a comprehensive literature review, we have been conducting interviews with regulators, practitioners, and academics within the stream restoration community with the goal of identifying existing and potential best practices for evaluating dynamic stream restorations for compensatory mitigation. Here, we present the findings from the literature review and the ongoing interviews and conclude with initial recommendations for setting performance standards and monitoring the restoration of dynamic stream systems.

About Samuel Leberg

Sam Leberg is an ORISE participant with the EPA, in the Freshwater and Marine Regulatory Branch. His Master’s research focused on the community response to tile drainage in restored oxbow wetlands. Currently, his research is focused on performance, monitoring, and management of dynamic stream restorations.